Butts Close The Planning Inspector has refused the application by NHDC to build a road across Butts Close. The Public Inquiry into their application for consent was opened on 21 November 2017 by Mark Yates BA (Hons), Member of the Institute of … [Read more...]
Admin Officer
Hitchin Forum - Administrative Officer We are very grateful to the contribution of Judith Gurney, who has recorded the Steering Group’s minutes for the last 5 years. Judith would now like to relinquish this role and so we are looking for somebody … [Read more...]
How could this work in Hitchin, and what next?
Councillor Ray Shakespeare-Smith addressed the main questions posed to the Scrutiny Committee, stating how the aspiration for slower speeds has been present for many years and how the Hitchin Committee and North Herts Scrutiny Committees have … [Read more...]
What are the criteria for speed limits and what are the benefits?
The criteria for reducing speed limits. The criteria for the introduction of 20mph limits in the speed strategy is that traffic has to be going slow already!! Previously 85% of cars had to be doing 24mph or less for a road to qualify as suitable … [Read more...]
What are the problems, do we need speed humps and how will speed limits be enforced?
Do we have need to have speed humps? The DfT guidelines indicate that traffic signing can be the only measure required, and traffic calming such as pinch points or speed humps may only be needed if traffic tends to be going much faster. Traffic … [Read more...]
Do we need to change the speed limits and what does the County Speed Strategy say about it?
Speed limits – the time for change? Why do we need slower traffic? The evidence is accumulating that slower traffic speeds reduces collisions between vehicles, reduces the injuries to pedestrians and cyclists, and improves the general health of … [Read more...]
Hitchin Footpaths – list
Copy & paste this onto blank word document About Hitchin number About Hitchin name Start Finish Estimated length (miles) Estimated length (yards) 1 Westmill Lane (part only) Oughton Head … [Read more...]
Hitchin’s Footpaths – checklist
Pdf Footpath Checklist Footpath name or location ____________ (see ‘About Hitchin’ map) Estimated length _____ (see list) Scores 1 = poor, 3 = acceptable, 5 = excellent, NA = not applicable Criterion and examples Score … [Read more...]
About Hitchin – footpath map
Footpath 071
Footpath Checklist Footpath name or location Riddy Lane 18 (see ‘About Hitchin’ map) Footpath number 071 (see definitive HCC map … [Read more...]