AIMS – To provide a discussion forum with a desire to do whatever we can to help Hitchin residents retain what is good for the town and only settle for the best, particularly when developments are planned.
- to bring together people and organisations concerned for the future of Hitchin and its environment.
- to provide a forum for public discussion of ideas and problems.
- to support developments which retain Hitchin’s special character and take account of residents’ interests and wishes.
- to encourage small groups facing special problems in dealing with developments and changes in their areas.
- to work with District and County Councils, other statutory bodies and voluntary organisations in promoting the interests of Hitchin and of the people who live or work in the town.
- to campaign effectively for desirable and sustainable change in Hitchin.
- to keep local people informed about decis
ions being taken for Hitchin and their implications for the town and its people.
- to monitor developments by understanding and studying the planning processes which affect the town. This requires a good knowledge of the North Herts District Council operations and national planning guidelines.
- a Steering Group of approximately 12
members, elected at the AGM, meets every 2 – 3 months to assess the Forum’s work, guide campaign strategies and plan future work.
- working groups are set up as necessary to look at specific areas of interest, such as transport, litter and footpaths . We include interested Forum members – volunteers very welcome!
- we work with member organisations and other groups to lobby on specific issues, raising matters of local concern.
- public meetings about current issues in the town are held when appropriate to generate informed discussion and debate.
- members’ meetings are also held to exchange ideas about current issues and the work of the Forum.
- a Newsletter is circulated to members 5-6 times per year. Back issues can be viewed on this website.
- campaign material is sent to members as necessary.
- all members can put forward ideas and suggestions, raise issues they would like discussed by the Forum, and submit items for the Newsletter.
- we share bulletins and information produced by member organisations with all our membership.
- we strongly support Hitchin Initiative and other organizations which work for the good of the town.
The current Steering Group consists of Ken Chapman (Treasurer & Membership Secretary), Mike Clarke (Co-chair), Neil Dodds, Stuart Howarth (Newsletter Editor), Valerie Schicker (Facebook), Bill Sellicks (Co-chair), & Andrew Wearmouth.
MEMBERSHIP – We welcome new members – click here for more information.
HISTORY of Hitchin Forum – a potted account of our activities since 1992 is described – just click here.
Links to some of our member organizations and other valuable resources are here.