- anyone with an interest in Hitchin can join the Forum, either as a
n individual or as a nominated representative of an organisation in the town.
- 14 organisations plus 3 businesses are represented on the Forum. Individuals belonging to member organisations are de facto members of the Forum, although many choose also to join as individuals in order to be able to vote at members’ meetings.
- over 110 individual members also contribute their support, ideas and abilities directly to the Forum.
- the larger our membership, the greater the range of views we are able to obtain concerning issues in the town and the greater our credibility as a Forum in the town. The more members we have, the greater the range of abilities, expertise and financial resources we will have for tackling the wide variety of issues put to the Forum.
- Membership provides a regular newsletter, delivered to you, email updates of campaigns and prompts for any important meetings, attendance at all members meetings and the opportunity to contribute your views on planning, transport … via our Planning Group or Steering Group.
Why not support Hitchin Forum and help us to improve our town?
How To Join:
The usual annual subscription, payable on November 1st each year, is £10 for individuals, £15 for organisations and £20 for businesses.
For more details about membership matters, please write to the membership secretary at 5, Claymore Drive, Ickleford, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 3UB
or email membership@hitchinforum.org.uk.
You can download a Membership form here and send it to
5, Claymore Drive, Ickleford, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 3UB
or scan it and email to membership@hitchinforum.org.uk.
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