North Herts District Council has agreed "to support the principle of a joint venture regeneration of the Churchgate Centre in Hitchin, with the Council as funder of the regeneration. The potential joint venture between the Council and Shearer … [Read more...]
Revised Churchgate Timeline
With renewed activity about developing Churchgate and the surrounding area, we have revised the Timeline to show what happened when Churchgate Timeline 1971 - Churchgate built; described at the time as a “space age development to keep up with … [Read more...]
Letter to NHDC about Churchgate consultation
We have written to NHDC (in the person of the Deputy Chief Executive) setting out our reservations about the consultation survey and the proposals, whilst generally supporting them. We did attach a 2015 report* Markets Matter - click here about the … [Read more...]
Churchgate update
Churchgate - good news! Despite a pessimistic prediction when the Simons' fantasy foundered in 2013 that it would take 25 years for anything to happen on Churchgate, a scheme has been announced. This is very welcome. There are, of course, a number of … [Read more...]
Churchgate – February 2015 update
Churchgate: This was discussed at NHDC's Full Council meeting on Thursday February 12th. The Churchgate - council report seemed positive in looking forward for a small scale development and seeking a solution for the market. The obvious concern that … [Read more...]
The arcade known as Churchgate and some surrounding shops were built in 1971 and have been the subject of much discussion, planning and controversy for many years. This culminated in the ill-fated proposals by Simons, involving 7 acres of the centre … [Read more...]
Churchgate hopes continue
The Churchgate saga moved on one more step on July 18th with the Full Council considering a report - Main report 18.07.13 - with an addendum - Churchgate addendum 18.07.13 - on the future of the area. The agenda and all parts of the report are … [Read more...]
The Council Said No
On Thursday 31st Jan, North Herts Councillors (not just the Hitchin ones) voted not to extend Simons’ Churchgate contract with NHDC – 29 not to extend, 7 to extend, 5 abstained The Council's report which was prepared by Council's officers is on … [Read more...]
Hitchin Market – why is it so important?
The fate of the market has been at the centre of the debate on how the proposals for developing Churchgate and the surrounding area, but neither developer had recent discussions with the market traders before presenting their impressions of how they … [Read more...]
Councillors Decision January 31st
NHDC Full Council meets on Thursday January 31st to decide whether to extend the Development Agreement with Simons Ltd. The Churchgate Liaison Forum on January 9th and the Public Meeting organized by Keep Hitchin Special on January 22nd discussed … [Read more...]