A new County Transport Plan! Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) produced new plans for consultation, part of which refers to Hitchin – the North Central Growth & Transport Plan – find it by clicking here. The Prospectus gave an explanation and described the possible interventions for Hitchin (click again). This includes a statement that there is “a lack of safe and attractive cycling and pedestrian routes”, and “All new residential streets should have a design speed of 20mph. Where there is strong local support, or residential streets form a part of cross-town walking and cycling routes, consideration of a 20mph zone or limit should be brought forward.”
**Whilst we are looking at ways of enhancing the opportunities for walking and cycling in the town, Herts CC also produced a new Speed Strategy – click here. The consultation is now closed, but do look out for real and safe changes! If you have thoughts you want the Forum to know about please email to chair@hitchinforum.org.uk