- a Steering Group of approximately 10 members, elected at the AGM
, meets every 2 -3 months to assess the Forum’s work, guide campaign strategies and plan future work.
- working groups are set up to look at specific areas of interest, such as planning and transport. They are made up of nominated representatives of member organisations and/or interested individual Forum members, and may be short or long term in their work.
- we work with member organisations and other groups to lobby on speci
fic issues, raising matters of local concern. This has included the Campaign Against Stevenage Expansion (CASE) and West Hitchin Action Group (WHAG).
- public meetings about current issues in the town are held when appropriate to generate informed discussion and debate.
- members’ meetings are also held to exchange ideas about current issues and the work of the Forum.
- a Newsletter is circulated to members 5-6 times per year. Back issues can be viewed on this website.
- campaign material is sent to members as necessary.
- all members can put forward ideas and suggestions, raise issues they would like discussed by the Forum, and submit items for the Newsletter.
- we share bulletins and information produced by member organisations with all our membership.
- we strongly support Hitchin Initiative and other organizations which work for the good of the town.
The current Steering Group consists of Dave Borner, Jeremy Burrowes (Treasurer), Ellie Clarke (Co-opted, Newsletter editor), Mike Clarke (Chairman), Maureen Carroll (Membership Sec), Adrian Gurney (Chair Planning Group), Judith Gurney, Chris Honey, John Keene (Vice Chairman), John Urwin , Andrew Wearmouth